RJ's Most Excellent Adventures in Switzerland (1990)
RJ White picture
Hairy RJ at his Goodbye party


Date: Jan 19 1991

Some people have asked me after my last posting whether it's really true that I am no longer living at my old place. Yes, its true.

The last you heard, I was living under a bridge because I was wanted as a Simulated-Meat Thief. Well, I moved to the underground ShopVille with the other bums since it's about 15 degrees warmer down there in the winter. But some obnoxious zit turned me in to the authorities for the Simulated-Meat Thief reward and I've been deported. There is a God!

After a few weeks of bumming around North America, I've settled down in Waterloo, Ontario and I have begun work at the University of Waterloo.

So this marks an end to "RJ's Most Excellent Adventures".

For now.

My new email address is (still) rjwhite@watmath.waterloo.edu and my new physical address for those that want it is :

9M-205 SunView Str
Waterloo, Ont

Whoever said that money doesn't buy happiness obviously didn't have any money. I've spent a ton of money in the last few weeks and I'm mega happy.

Stay tuned for "RJ's Most Excellent Adventures in Germany (1993)"...

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